Eminem at RFK Stadium in Washington (05.25.02)
Artists: Eminem & D12
Date: May 25, 2002
Venue: RFK Stadium
Location: Washington, D.C.
Event: HFS Festival
Length: 00:33:34
Recorded by: Unknown
Bootleg Quality: C
Overall Bitrate: 2524kbps

1. Square Dance
2. I'm Back
3. Cleaning Out My Closet
4. When The Music Stops [With D12]
5. Pimp Like Me [With D12]
6. Fight Music [With D12]
7. Purple Pills [With D12]
8. Soldier
9. Superman
10. Just Don't Give A Fuck
- This is a low-quality bootleg that is split into ten separate videos for each song. The songs are tagged at the beginning and end.
- At one point during, I'm Back Eminem has to stop the song and tell the fans to back off from the railing being ordered by police.
- Eminem performs two verses of Just Don't Give A Fuck which is different than other shows during this tour where he performed one verse

Grading System Criteria
A = Smooth Steady Shot, Clear Image, Great Audio
B = A little Shaky Shot, Image a bit unclear, Decent audio
C = Very Shaky Shot, Image out of focus, Muffled Audio
Note: Any variation of these grades means one of the three criteria is better/worse than others. Example: Great sounding audio, shaky shot, clear image = A-