Eminem vs. Kuniva at the Hip Hop Shop in Detroit (02.17.96)
Artists: Eminem, Kuniva
Date: February 16, 1996
Venue: The Hip Hop Shop
Location: Detroit, MI, USA
Event: Rap Battles
Length: 00:02:42
Recorded by: Maurice Malone
Bootleg Quality: A-
Overall Bitrate: 967kbps

1. Kuniva Battle Verse
2. Eminem Battle Verse
- This is the infamous Eminem vs. Kuniva Rap Battle that has been circulating on the Internet for the last 15 years.
- This video is ripped from the official Hip Hop Shop channel on Youtube so it's the best possible quality available.
- Proof is hosting the battles and has dreads.

Looking for a better quality version of this show, ideally DVD. You will qualify for a bigger return if you find something on the wanted list.
Grading System Criteria
A = Smooth Steady Shot, Clear Image, Great Audio
B = A little Shaky Shot, Image a bit unclear, Decent audio
C = Very Shaky Shot, Image out of focus, Muffled Audio
Note: Any variation of these grades means one of the three criteria is better/worse than others. Example: Great sounding audio, shaky shot, clear image = A-