Eminem at Michigan State University in East Lansing (10.11.02)
Artists: Eminem Proof
Special Guest: Obie Trice
Date: October 11th, 2002
Venue: Michigan State University
Location: East Lansing, MI, USA
Event: MTV Jammed Surprise Concert
Length: 00:48:51
Recorded by: Unknown
Bootleg Quality: A
Overall Bitrate AVI: 1618kbps

1.Lose Yourself
2.The Way I Am
4.Without Me
5.Lose Yourself
6.Without Me
7.Cleaning Out my Closet
8.The Way I Am
10.Rap Name (w/ Obie Trice)
11.My Dad's Gone Crazy
-The bootleg contains approximately 00:27:32 of performance footage, the rest is the MTV Jammed setup and interviews.
- The recording of this bootleg has significant interlacing (lines to show image) if you look closely on the screenshots you'll see lines, which isn't the best for quality.
-The last 7 minutes of the bootleg is the beginning of the Eminem episode of the show Biorhythm.

Looking for a better quality version of this show, ideally DVD. You will qualify for a bigger return if you find something on the wanted list.
Grading System Criteria
A = Smooth Steady Shot, Clear Image, Great Audio
B = A little Shaky Shot, Image a bit unclear, Decent audio
C = Very Shaky Shot, Image out of focus, Muffled Audio
Note: Any variation of these grades means one of the three criteria is better/worse than others. Example: Great sounding audio, shaky shot, clear image = A-