Eminem Live at Naeba Ski Resort in Niigata (07.29.01)
Artists: Eminem, Proof
Special Guest: D12
Date: July 29, 2001
Venue: Naeba Ski Resort
Location: Niigata, Japan
Event: Fuji Rock Festival
Length: 01:51:29 [00:15:08 of Eminem]
Recorded by: Unknown
Bootleg Quality: A+
Overall Bitrate DVD: 680MBps [VRT]

1. The Way I Am
2. Purple Pills [Featuring D12]
3. The Real Slim Shady

-This show contains highlights of multiple artists, they are, in order of appeareances:
‣Two Lone Swordsmen
‣Alec Empire
‣Tom McCrae
‣Ron Sexsmith
‣System of a Down
‣Ani Difranco
‣Drawn From Life
‣Eminem (w/ D12)
‣Fermin Muguraza
- If any of these other artists interest you please contact me via Email at emzeeslim@gmail.com or on Instagram @emzeeslim
Grading System Criteria
A = Smooth Steady Shot, Clear Image, Great Audio
B = A little Shaky Shot, Image a bit unclear, Decent audio
C = Very Shaky Shot, Image out of focus, Muffled Audio
Note: Any variation of these grades means one of the three criteria is better/worse than others. Example: Great sounding audio, shaky shot, clear image = A-