Eminem at The Middle East in Cambridge (02.16.99)
Artists: Eminem and Royce Da 5' 9"
Date: February 16th, 1999
Venue: The Middle East
Location: Cambridge, MA, USA
Event: Unknown
Length: 00:29:45
Recorded by: Hip Hop History Guy
Bootleg Quality: A
Overall Bitrate: 1392kbps

1. Brain Damage
2, Nuttin' to Do
3, Scary Movies
4. Just The Two of Us [Slim Shady EP Version]
5. Well I Do Pop Pills [Eminem Freestyle]
6. I'm The King [Royce Da 5' 9" Freestyle]
7. Just Don't Give A Fuck [Cut x2]
8. My .9 is liftin' ya [Eminem Freestyle]
9. My Name Is
10. I Got a Beautiful Wife [Eminem Freestyle (Stir Crazy Verse)
11. Low Down, Dirty

- The turntable set loses power twice, Eminem gets pissed and Just Don't Give A Fuck goes unfinished. As a result, Eminem and Royce spit a few freestyles
- According to the taper, he had his camera plugged in which was taking up all the power and was responsible for the power cutting during the song
- A fan yells "You Suck" and Eminem invites him to battle on stage after Just Don't Give A Fuck is cut. He cusses him out a few times before trying to perform the song again.
- This show used to circulate in very poor quality RAM files, the original taper finally uploaded the best quality version to Youtube, this video is a rip from his youtube channel
- I also have an audience audio recording of this show HERE
Looking for a better quality version of this show, ideally DVD. You will qualify for a bigger return if you find something on the wanted list.
Grading System Criteria
A = Smooth Steady Shot, Clear Image, Great Audio
B = A little Shaky Shot, Image a bit unclear, Decent audio
C = Very Shaky Shot, Image out of focus, Muffled Audio
Note: Any variation of these grades means one of the three criteria is better/worse than others. Example: Great sounding audio, shaky shot, clear image = A-