Eminem at Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim [Up in Smoke Tour] (06.16.00)
Artists: Eminem, Proof,
Date: June 16th, 2000
Venue: Arrowhead Pond
Location: Anaheim, CA, USA
Tour: Up In Smoke Tour
Length: 00:33:17
Recorded by: Scott P.
Bootleg Quality: A
Overall Bitrate: 768kbps [RT]

1. Intro Tape (Kim)
2. Kill You
3. Dead Wrong [Eminem Verse]
4. Who Knew
5. Role Model
6. Marshall Mathers
7. Criminal
8. The Way I Am
9. Kim [Skit]
10. The Real Slim Shady
- This show has just recently entered circulation, it features a different setlist than Eminem's set later in the Up in Smoke Tour.
- It features a rare performance of Who Knew live, as well as all three verses of Marshall Mathers and Criminal which was never again performed in full.
- This show also features the infamous Kim Live performance Skit that fans have been speculating about for years. It's the same skit with the blowup dolls as he would later do with Insane Clown Posse, but he made fun of his wife instead.
- It's the first night of the Up in Smoke Tour performance at Anaheim, I also have the audio show of the second show in Anaheim, two nights after this one HERE
Grading System Criteria
A = Clear Vocals, Minimal Crowd Noise, Great Sound Range
Example of Great Sound Range:
B = Muffled Vocals, Some Crowd Noise, Limited Sound Range
C = Almost Inaudible Vocals, Lots of Crowd Noise, Little to No Sound Range
Note: Muffled Vocals, Minimal Crowd Noise, Decent Sound Range = B+
Example of No Sound Range: